Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Todays Appointment

So today I went to see Dr. Silverstien my Reproductive Endocrinologist. She checked my ovaries ( how did I get so lucky to get to have a pelvic exam EVERY month??), and then she looked over my basal temperatures. We also discussed the ovulation predictor tests that I have to do, this is where you pee on a stick, much like a pregnancy test. It tests for the rise in hormones specific to ovulation. Well I had two days back to back that were positive for ovulation this month.

We also discussed Intrauterine Insemination, which is a procedure that involves placing sperm inside a woman’s uterus to facilitate fertilization. A catheter is used to place a number of washed sperm directly into the uterus. So the plan is to get busy, and have some fun through the summer. If it isn't in the cards for us to be pregnant by September then I will be referred to Dr. Robins, and we will try insemination.This is his website, and I've been reading through it .http://www.fertilitydoctor.net/ I am excited for this new possibility, and it isn't as expensive as I thought. It is around $1100, but I am not sure if insurance will cover any of that, there is testing and medications involved that they may cover. Compared to Invitro fertilization, and adoption this is a cheaper alternative. Crazy to think that $1100 is cheap..lol.

So this week Kenny and I are on our way to California to see family and have some fun! I am also taking a break from school so I can enjoy myself and the sunshine. Will check back in, in a few weeks.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I know I have been missing in action lately. Just and update today. Kenny and I were supposed to go the class with the Adoption agency on June 15, and 16. We ended up not going, after talking to the adoption agency we decided to withdraw from the process.

As you know, Kenny is Active duty, in the military. We have been at Fairchild AFB, WA since 2008, and are due for orders at anytime. For this reason we asked the Adoption agency what happens if we start this whole process and then get orders to move. Can we continue? Will we get money back if unable to continue? All of our questions were answered, and it was all no. That particular agency doesn't allow for you to adopt from out of state, even if we were willing to fly back.

For now we will continue with the fertility treatments, and see where the future takes us!
Thanks for all the Love and Support.

Friday, May 25, 2012

The next step is ...


We have done our research, and have decided that we want to be parents no matter what. There are many babies, and children that need families. We are ready and willing to take on this task. We contacted a local adoption agency that someone else recommended ( they have adopted through the same agency). http://www.spokaneconsultants.com/

 We have begun the process, we had to fill out an application, and then write our autobiography. I think that the application should be required of every person that has a child. The types of questions asked were about my parents, Kenny's parents, our health, and our motivation for adoption. The next part of this process was writing the autobiography, this was 4 pages long, and asked us questions that we have never thought of. Such as who will take your children if something happens to the two of you? How will you handle the teenage years? How will you explain to your child that they are adopted? After reading all of it we were still motivated, and ready to do this!

The exciting part is a couple of days ago I got a phone call from the adoption agency, and they said that some other families had dropped out, and they would like to move us forward. What will happen is on June 15th, and 16th Kenny and I have to attend an all day class with the agency. (This class is $200) We will learn all about the process, have the chance to have questions answered, and meet other couples on the same journey as us! After this class we will have a home study, where they come and evaluate your home, and interview you in person. (The home study is $800).

I know we have some major rearranging to do.. such as changing our spare room/office into a baby room. Of course our house would have to be baby proofed, work schedules moved around,baby things bought.. and our lives would be changed forever!

Questions would come to mind like how on earth am I going to fit a baby into my already hectic schedule? I really don't know, but all I can do is wait and see what happens. Somehow it will work out, and somehow we will figure it out.

I went into the human resources office at work to find out about maternity leave and what I need to do. Good news: they will reimburse up to $2000 of our fees. Bad news: I don't get maternity leave, because I am not having a baby. WTF??? How do they expect someone to bring home a newborn baby, and not have time off from work?? They said " oh, well you can take FMLA". I don't know much about it, but I will be looking into it. By the end of this process we will have spent over $20,000, but we know it will be worth it when we get to bring a beautiful baby home with us.

Seeing the reproductive endocrinologist..

        So I left off with saying that I was going to a doctors appointment. I went to my appointment with consists of a pelvic exam EVERY time.. so much fun! Then we go over my basal temperatures for the month, and whether or not the clear blue easy ovulation predictor test showed anything. So this month it looks like I actually ovulated- yay for ovulation! So I left with a new prescription for Clomid, and the encouragement to "keep on trying". So we will keep on trying and see what happens.

In the mean time we have other plans... see next blog

Saturday, May 19, 2012

The Beginning

Ok, so to start off I will tell you a little bit about myself. I was born at 26 1/2 weeks gestation ( 6 months). I was 2lbs 1 1/2oz, and 13 inches long. I had to stay in the NICU at Loma Linda Childrens hospital from November until February of the next year. The doctors think that this is part of the reason why I may have PCOS. They think maybe things didn't develop as much as they should have, therefore causing the decrease in hormones. 

Now moving on to the current time period Kenny and I have been married for almost 4 years, and been together for 6 years. We decided when we moved up here to Washington, that we wouldn't prevent a pregnancy, but not really try for one either. Needless to say it never happened. After many doctors visits, and many tests it was shown that I had PCOS, and would need to be on fertility drugs if we wanted to conceive. I took the drugs last year for a few months when Kenny was actually in the same country as me. Nothing happened. Now starting in January 2012, I went back to the reproductive endocrinologist and we were ready to face this head on and give it all got! I started on Clomid ( clomiphene) which is a timed medication. You have to take it on certain days of your cycle, at the same time every day. Let me tell you one thing about Clomid that they forget to mention, IT MAKES YOU CRAZY!! Mood swings like no other, I am crying one minute and ready to rip someones head off the next. It gives you a weird feeling in your head that you cant describe, nausea, breast tenderness, fatigue, etc... I know that it will all be worth it if we end up with a baby. So far this month is going to be the fifth month of being on Clomid, and we will see what that doctor says on Wednesday next week, if I am ovulating or not. 

Yes there are other options, which are very pricey, and are paid out of pocket. We are going to try on our own first and see what happens. Oh, and let me just clarify one thing.The question that always gets asked " well don't you want kids of your own?" or " It will just happen". People fail to realize that for people with infertility things don't "just happen". It takes planning, work, medications, money, a good support system, etc. Back to the question- Of course I want kids of my own, don't you think I would have them by now if I could! The other thing is people don't realize how hard it is to answer those questions day in and day out. I find myself lying when people ask those questions. It tends to hurt too much to say " I cant have kids" or " My body doesn't work right".

I am so thankful everyday for the man I have by my side through all of this. He is always there, even if he doesn't know what to say!

To be continued...

Friday, May 18, 2012

Just saying hello, I will be posting on this blog, as an outlet, a way to inform other people of the daily struggles that couples go through trying to conceive, and as a way to gain more support along the way.