Friday, May 25, 2012

The next step is ...


We have done our research, and have decided that we want to be parents no matter what. There are many babies, and children that need families. We are ready and willing to take on this task. We contacted a local adoption agency that someone else recommended ( they have adopted through the same agency).

 We have begun the process, we had to fill out an application, and then write our autobiography. I think that the application should be required of every person that has a child. The types of questions asked were about my parents, Kenny's parents, our health, and our motivation for adoption. The next part of this process was writing the autobiography, this was 4 pages long, and asked us questions that we have never thought of. Such as who will take your children if something happens to the two of you? How will you handle the teenage years? How will you explain to your child that they are adopted? After reading all of it we were still motivated, and ready to do this!

The exciting part is a couple of days ago I got a phone call from the adoption agency, and they said that some other families had dropped out, and they would like to move us forward. What will happen is on June 15th, and 16th Kenny and I have to attend an all day class with the agency. (This class is $200) We will learn all about the process, have the chance to have questions answered, and meet other couples on the same journey as us! After this class we will have a home study, where they come and evaluate your home, and interview you in person. (The home study is $800).

I know we have some major rearranging to do.. such as changing our spare room/office into a baby room. Of course our house would have to be baby proofed, work schedules moved around,baby things bought.. and our lives would be changed forever!

Questions would come to mind like how on earth am I going to fit a baby into my already hectic schedule? I really don't know, but all I can do is wait and see what happens. Somehow it will work out, and somehow we will figure it out.

I went into the human resources office at work to find out about maternity leave and what I need to do. Good news: they will reimburse up to $2000 of our fees. Bad news: I don't get maternity leave, because I am not having a baby. WTF??? How do they expect someone to bring home a newborn baby, and not have time off from work?? They said " oh, well you can take FMLA". I don't know much about it, but I will be looking into it. By the end of this process we will have spent over $20,000, but we know it will be worth it when we get to bring a beautiful baby home with us.


  1. That's so exciting!! I'm so happy for y'all! A couple of close friends of CJ and I had fertility issues and after adopting 2 girls, they got pregnant. I've been told multiple times that I should adopt because THAT'S when I'd get pregnant, but I'm still going to wait just a little longer. I've thought about adoption, but I don't think my heart is ready for that just yet.

    Y'all are going to be SO blessed because of the selfless love they y'all will be giving some perfect baby. I remember going to a similar process when Mom wanted to foster a boy she saw in her bank that lived in a camp for foster boys. I remember having to take a CPR/first aid class and being interviewed at home. It was a long process, but not bad. I know the adoption process will be longer, but that's because it will be for life.

    Congrats on your decision and I couldn't be happier for you! I do think it's strange that your work won't give you maternity leave. Keep me updated and I'll do the same. I love you Cuz! You're such an amazing woman! :-)

  2. Katie - I'm not sure what how Washington works, but when I took my FMLA leave, I was able to get pay from the state to supplement because I had no time on the books at work. It worked out great and it covers adoption as well. You would be entitled to 12 weeks of leave and they have to hold your job for you. How you get paid during that time will be up to your state and your employer (whether they will let you use your sick and vacation time). Good luck with everything and I am very excited to hear that things are moving forward for you!
