Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I know I have been missing in action lately. Just and update today. Kenny and I were supposed to go the class with the Adoption agency on June 15, and 16. We ended up not going, after talking to the adoption agency we decided to withdraw from the process.

As you know, Kenny is Active duty, in the military. We have been at Fairchild AFB, WA since 2008, and are due for orders at anytime. For this reason we asked the Adoption agency what happens if we start this whole process and then get orders to move. Can we continue? Will we get money back if unable to continue? All of our questions were answered, and it was all no. That particular agency doesn't allow for you to adopt from out of state, even if we were willing to fly back.

For now we will continue with the fertility treatments, and see where the future takes us!
Thanks for all the Love and Support.

1 comment:

  1. Lame sauce! Well, trust that God knows what He is doing and there is a reason for all of this. If you ever need anything I'm here for you!
